
A little more Olive Gardening Laughter…

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Face it, I’m back in the states for a few months, so I just don’t have much material for the blog these days.  I mean, when I am in Italy, I could write several posts a day, but I am sitting here in Florida, what to contribute to THIS blog?

That said, little things catch my attention here and there, and while I was clicking away on YouTube, I stumbled across another one that had me rolling on the floor.

If you have read deeper into my blog, you certainly know the disdain I have for Olive Garden  — actually, any massive chain restaurant, but I am about Italy, so Olive Garden really hits a nerve.

So you will certainly appreciate why I love this video….

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14 years ago

Ew! Gross! Mamma luna!
.-= Catherine´s last blog ..Love Thursday: April Showers Bring… =-.

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