Enjoy Barolo - King of Wines

From the moment you are picked up at the airport until final goodbyes, this group of like-minded folks who love adventure, good food and great wines laugh, sing, cook and tour a specific area of Italy

Written By: Brian and Sharon
Location: Bethany - Ontario - USA
Review Source: Trip Advisor
Type of Traveler: Couple
Itinerary: Barolo

Full Review

Traveling with Culture Discovery Vacations is like going to Italy to visit distant relatives. There you meet other people who are apparently also distant relatives and you all spend a wonderful week together. From the moment you are picked up at the airport until final goodbyes, this group of like-minded folks who love adventure, good food and great wines laugh, sing, cook and tour a specific area of Italy.
We have just returned from our sixth tour with CDV, having discovered the treasures of Soriano, Sicily, Chianti and now Barolo. Which was our favourite? The short answer is all of them. Every detail of each tour is meticulously planned, with contingencies for weather and schedules. This leaves us free to enjoy ourselves without worrying about transportation, accommodation, finding a good restaurant, or getting lost. Unpack once (a key perk for me) in your apartment in the village or your room in a boutique hotel and settle in for the week.
If you like to cook, you will go home with a cookbook filled with delicious local specialties. If you prefer, relax with a glass of wine while others buzz about the kitchen. In Barolo, we cooked and ate right in the Marrone winery, picnicked in a vineyard surrounded by Barolo grapes and learned how Italian nougat is made. 
Are you interested in castles, cathedrals, architecture and white truffles (not the chocolate kind - the ones found by truffle hunting dogs). With CDV you visit them at a pace that gives you time to breathe in the history and walk the ancient Roman roads.
Will we sign up for yet another CDV tour? Yes, of course! We haven't seen ALL of Italy yet.

Sample Photo from this Itinerary