Just Book It!

Had the most wonderful time exploring Tuscany and new recipes with new friends. This trip was so fun! The views were gorgeous, the food was yummy, and I couldn’t have had a better experience.

Written By: Ainsley P.
Location: Dallas - TX - US
Review Source: Website
Type of Traveler: Friends
Itinerary: Chianti Tuscany

Full Review

I booked this trip with my friend to celebrate my 50th birthday and had never been to Tuscany. What an incredible time we had! I am not a “tour” person, but this vacation is different. It is a group of interesting individuals with a passion for travel, cooking and having fun. The entire trip felt intimate and relaxing although we were quite busy. It doesn’t matter what level you are in the kitchen, but I know my way around the kitchen quite well and learned plenty. There is more wine than you know what to do with as well.  Our tour leader was Ilaria. She was understated, knowledgeable, sensitive to one’s needs and just a dear. Prior to coming on the trip I looked at the website and saw what seemed to be a bit hokey looking event of singing and dancing. Well guess what? I can’t tell you how much fun it is. We had an absolute blast. I will book another trip for sure. It seems CDV does a good job attracting fun down to earth people that are a joy to get to know. GO! I am so fortunate to have been.  My one complaint is that our air conditioner had a mind of its own. It would overheat and then blow out the hottest air ever. I let the hotel know but unless they replaced the unit, I doubt it could be fixed. It certainly wasn’t CDVs fault. A couple of tips: 1) the roads in Tuscany are incredibly curvy/windy. I’m not one to normally get very car sick, but wow. Had to get the travel gum and sit up front and was fine as long as I did that prior to getting on the bus. 2) The itinerary is pretty busy. There maybe a time you want to do something different on your own, and you can. However, this trip is really about being together and exploring and learning with your new friends. 3) Lastly, it was very warm during the day in September. I was thrilled to have shorts and light clothing for the daytime. 

Sample Photo from this Itinerary