Soriano nel Cimino Week of September 16-23

The staff become family over the course of the week, and it is truly difficult to part when the week is over.

Written By: Thomas S
Location: Richmond - VA - USA
Review Source: Trip Advisor
Type of Traveler: Family
Itinerary: Soriano - Cities Lost in Time

Full Review

I don't even know where to begin. What an incredible experience from the moment you step off the bus on arrival to the departure. The staff become family over the course of the week, and it is truly difficult to part when the week is over. We learned so much, saw so much, and ate so much. But on a good note, only gained 1 lb., so I was pretty happy. My only negative is that the amount of walking is understated, as it states approximately 6 miles for the week, but we tracked over 25 miles for the week, but that did help to keep the weight off. Our villa was up in the medieval section of the town, so quite a little jaunt back up in the evening. And unfortunately, due to preparations for an upcoming festival, we had no water one day, and no hot water the next, but that is what deodorant and febreeze are for. Truthfully, we were exhausted after the week, but again met some wonderful friends, ate phenomenal large meals, and drank our share of wine.

Great job and love to the team...

Sample Photo from this Itinerary