Wine, Chocolate & truffles, Foodie Paradise- BEST TRIP

If you are in the least bit hesitant about joining a "tour group" to see Italy, think no more.... CDV will make you feel right at home with them.

Written By: Suzanne Herst
Location: Philadelphia - PA - USA
Review Source: Trip Advisor
Type of Traveler: Friends
Itinerary: Norcia Umbria

Full Review

I just got back from my 3rd cooking trip to Italy. My first time with CDV. It will not be my last. I cannot say enough about how top notch CDV is and how amazing their "tour guides" are. I use the term tour guide loosely, they are more like friends that are just taking you to the places they love to go to. Norcia was a hidden gem, north of Rome. Beautiful town, gorgeous surroundings, amazing food... The Bianconi (sp?) family that ran Palazzo Seneca (the hotel we stayed at, 5 stars all the way), and the resturants and the Enoteca and the food store, were most gracious and humble. Thier private residence is where the cooking classes are as well. Just wonderful people.... 

If you are in the least bit hesitant about joining a "tour group" to see Italy, think no more.... CDV (and Toni, Sophie and Rocky our "guides" ) will make you feel right at home with them. I highly suggest Norcia, this hidden gem, but be forewarned, you will be eating alot of (amazing) pork, cheese and truffles! Not to mention drinking great wines with it all. The chocolate class at the Perugina Chocolate Facotry was a blast and all my chocolates made it home in one piece...That was definatley a once in a lifetime experience.  

My hats off to Michael and Paola (and thier whole team, including Tiziano our awesome bus driver) for such a great company. I will be back! (thinking of Amalfi 2015, already having been there once and loved it so much!).  

Fino a quando ci incontreremo di nuovo!

Suzanne (and Wilbur the Boar or course)

Sample Photo from this Itinerary