Title: Are my Norcia accommodations in the same place as the cooking classes?
Category: Expectations & Planning for Our Norcia Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 4,490
Tags: cooking class in umbria cooking class norcia cooking in umbria cooking in Italy

Are my Norcia accommodations in the same place as the cooking classes?

Where our cooking classes are in relation to the accommodations

All of the accommodations in Norcia are in the Palazzo Seneca resort. Our cooking classes are held at the ancient "Casa Bianconi" kitchen, which is a short 2-minute walk from where we all stay.

One of our classes is held while we are in Perugia on an excursion. This is the Chocolate class, which we hold directly at the Perugina Chocolate Factory.

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