Title: What is the best time of year to visit Sicily?
Category: Expectations & Planning for Our Sicily Island Vacations
Author: Luca Centofanti Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 5,255
Tags: best time to visit sicily best time to visit favignana best time to travel in sicily

What is the best time of year to visit Sicily?

What it will be like at different times of year

This is such a difficult question to answer. Every time of year is amazing in its own way.


Late April through June is beautiful and warm, but not overly so. This is perhaps one of the best times, as Seaside Sicily is a major tourist attraction for Italians and other Europeans, but they don't usually take their vacations until August, so this time of year is beautiful without huge crowds.


This is a seaside destination, so warmer is generally better. Early and late in summer is breathtaking. The area is on the shoulder of its high season, which is mid July through August, when most Italians vacation, so they are set up for all of the visitors, but they are there in smaller numbers.


September is the late part of the shoulder season, making it a perfect time to really take it all in. As you get into October, it starts to get chilly, so we don't do our Sicilian vacations in Autumn.


What was once a bustling seaside town with wonderful life and activity, falls asleep in the winter. As such, we avoid the winter season.

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