Title: Will I be staying near shops, cafes, etc on my Norcia vacation?
Category: Expectations & Planning for Our Norcia Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 4,541
Tags: shops in norcia shopping in norcia cafes in norcia restaurants in norcia what to do in norcia

Will I be staying near shops, cafes, etc on my Norcia vacation?

What you will find in walking distance from the hotel in Norcia

Yes. Our accommodations are in the 16th century Palazzo Seneca, which is right in the center of town.

The town center (Piazza) is about 50 feet from the Palazzo.

Norcia is a beautiful and vibrant town, full of bars, gelato shops, shopping, several restaurants, a few pizzerias, grocers, fruit/vegetable stands, butchers, etc.

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