Title: Are my Sicily accommodations in the same place as the cooking classes?
Category: Expectations & Planning for Our Sicily Island Vacations
Author: Sophie Townsey Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 4,534
Tags: cooking in favignana ccoking class location favignana accommodations favignana

Are my Sicily accommodations in the same place as the cooking classes?

Where are cooking classes are in relation to the accommodation

All of the accommodations in Sicily are at the Nido del Pellegrino resort for the first part of the trip, then at a beautiful Sicilian "Baglio" in the outskirts of Marsala for our last night on mainland Sicily.  

All of our classes are held at our friend Ivan's villa, a beautiful Favignana-styled house with stunning sea-views within 5 mins walk from our resort. For those who don't feel like walking, Ivan will come to pick you up by car!

The best part of cooking at Ivan's house is that you can really relax and feel at home. You will cook with Adelina, our chef instructor for most of the week's classes. She is so much fun and will have you cooking like a local in no time! 

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