Title: Do you have any job openings?
Category: Questions About Our Company
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 2,984
Tags: job carrer

Do you have any job openings?

Take a number & get in line. It may seem like a joke, but this is our most frequently asked question!

Take a number & get in line. It may seem like a joke, but this is our most frequently asked question!

So... if you meet the following requirements:


You speak excellent Italian & English.

You can work insanely long hours day after day with no days off for months at a time.

You do extremely well in stressful situations.

You have incredible passion for everything Italian

You can eat & drink like this week after week after week (it is actually hard).

You are extremely outgoing & personable.

You want to work only 6 months a year.

You get along well with all sorts of people

You understand that the money isn't that great & it is about being in Italy.

You are extremely familiar with Italy.

You can live half the year in Italy.

You want to do this long term, not for just one year.

Well, if you can honestly answer yes to ALL of those questions, let us know.

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