Title: Can I follow a kosher diet on your vacations?
Category: Pre-Booking Questions
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 5,175
Tags: kosher diet on your vacations

Can I follow a kosher diet on your vacations?

Information for people keeping kosher.

We very regularly have guests that follow a kosher diet at home, however, they always understand that it is not possible to be strictly kosher on our vacations.

What we CAN do

  • We can make sure that you eat no pork, horse, rabbit, wild animals, scavengers, shellfish, etc.
  • We can make sure that you don't have dairy and meat together.

What we CANNOT do

  • We cannot control any aspect of cookware used in meal preparation according to kosher requirements.
  • We cannot assure animals are fed non-kosher food.
  • We cannot assure slaughter must be carried out by an approved shochet.
  • We cannot assure meat and poultry are soaked, salted and rinsed using cold water.
  • We cannot provide cheese free of animal-based rennet.
  • We cannot provide wine made from non-kosher filtering agents.

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