Title: What if my baggage is lost by the airline?
Category: What to Expect During Your Visit
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 6,731
Tags: lost baggage at rome airport help with lost baggages in italy

What if my baggage is lost by the airline?

How we will help you out of a bind...

Few things are quite as frustrating as sitting at that conveyor at the airport, watching just a few bags go round and round as you realize that yours are just not coming.

If that happens to you, don't worry too much. We'll make sure you are prepared and will help as best we can.

Be Prepared For It

  1. Before you come to Italy, we will have sent you an e-mail with very detailed information about pickup, meeting point, etc. In that e-mail, you will see a section with contact phone numbers for our key staff, as well as a physical address for us. Be sure to print that out and keep it with you in your carry-on baggage. If your bags are lost, you will now know where to have the airline send the luggage, and you will have a contact phone number to give them.
  2. Pack a change of clothes with your carry-on bags. It may seem like a pain, but if your luggage doesn't make it, you will hug us for this advice!
  3. Let Us Know ASAP! - If your bags are lost, you will need to file a claim before you exit customs. If you are planning to take our airport shuttle, we will be outside waiting, wondering what is going on and why you are not coming out. Please find a way to call us and let us know. We also may be able to help you out if we know what is going on.
  4. Additionally, when you are filing your claim if you can call us, have us talk to the person taking the claim. We can give them detailed instructions, and they can give us some information they may not be able to convey to you. This can easily be the difference between you getting your luggage in a day and getting it in a week.

We'll Help You get Essentials

Once you are with us, one of us will get you to a store where you can get some essentials, so don't worry. We will be there for you.

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