Title: Making Home-Made Grappa
Category: Cultural Experiences on Our Soriano Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 7,979
Tags: making grappa at home making grappa in italy how to make grappa italian grappa homemade grappa

Making Home-Made Grappa

We'll fire up the copper pot still and make our own Grappa, the staple Italian alcohol!

In our cellar at the Villa Eddarella Soriano, we store our wine, olive oil, cheese, and prosciutto. As if that was not enough, we decided to set some room aside for a little passion of ours: GRAPPA! we will be making our own with our guests.

Grappa is an alcoholic beverage. It is a fragrant, grape-based pomace brandy, which is the most popular alcoholic drink in Italy. It generally contains 35%–60% alcohol (70 to 120 proof).

The flavor of Grappa depends on the type of grapes used to make it, the distillation process, and how (and if) the Grappa is aged.

Grappa is made by distilling the skins, pulp, seeds, and stems left over from winemaking after grapes are pressed for the wine. Originally, it was a way for winemakers to find something to do with the waste, but Grappa is very popular on its own, so many companies specialize strictly in Grappa.

Some Grappa is very clear, and some, which is aged in oak barrels, has an amber color to it. Grappa can also be made directly from wine, so it can be produced year-round.

We'll be experimenting with all sorts of methods of making Grappa in Soriano with our guests. Hopefully, you will be there for an excellent batch!

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