Title: What kind of nightlife is there in Favignana?
Category: Expectations & Planning for Our Sicily Island Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 3,886
Tags: what to do favignana what to do in sicily nightlife favignana nightlife sicily

What kind of nightlife is there in Favignana?

Details about nighttime activities in and around Favignana

Favignana is a small fishing village that serves a small fishing population, as well as Italian tourists in the summer coming for diving and vacations at the beach. It is more of a day activity destination. At night, we usually retire at the Nido, where we have an open bar and enjoy the evening together on the cliffs overlooking the Mediterranean sea.

On some evenings, we will be in town, where we enjoy some of the port-side bars and cafes. You will find, however, little in terms of nightclubs in Favignana.

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