Title: Is there room service in Favignana?
Category: Expectations & Planning for Our Sicily Island Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 4,411
Tags: favignana hotels in favignana accommodation in favignana favignana sicily

Is there room service in Favignana?

Room Service Questions for our Sicily Vacations

The Nido del Pellegrino hotel is more of a "Guest Suites" hotel. It is not a traditional full-service hotel that has a kitchen on site. However, during our time there, we take advantage of a kiosk that they have in the garden directly outside of the rooms where you will find we have set up an area that has coffee, tea, wine, alcohol, and snacks 24 hours per day. This is complimentary for all of our guests.

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