Title: Savigno
Category: Destinations We Visit on Our Bologna Vacations
Author: Sophie Townsey Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 3,957
Tags: savigno party time in bologna bbq bologna small town close to bologna


An unforgettable evening at a family-run winery in Savigno

After a thrilling look into the world of Supercars, we’ll be ready for some wine tasting and relaxation. We’ll make ourselves comfortable at the picturesque family-run winery in the town of Savigno, in the “Colli Bolognese” or “Hills of Bologna”.  We will meet Alessandro and his family for an unforgettable experience as we have some wine pairings of the local varietals and discover a new found appreciation for the wines from this often over-looked area of Italy. 

Dinner this evening will be a BBQ italian-style at the winery with local friends and music! 


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