Title: Scicli
Category: Destinations We Visit on Our Sicily Mainland Vacations
Author: Sophie Townsey Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 3,986
Tags: scicli scicli sicily baroque city sicily unesco town sicily


The quaint town of Scicli

After our morning cooking class with Carmela we will have time to rest or relax at the pool, then we will go for a stroll in the lovely town of Scicli.

Sicili is a quaint town made of small tight-knit streets and alleyways, nestled in the intersection of three deep valleys only a few miles from the sea. The late Baroque genius is supremely expressed in the rebuilding of the area after the earthquake of 1693 that razed Scicli and the province of Ragusa to the ground.

It is so charming that the writer Elio Vittorini, in his book “Cities of the World,” not only wrote that the city was beautiful, but that “it is the most beautiful city I’ve ever seen […] Maybe it’s the most beautiful city in the world. And people are happy in cities that are beautiful.”

It was made popular worldwide by the fictional TV series Detective Montalbano, Sicily’s most beloved fictional character, and  definitely worth watching before visiting the Italy!


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