Title: Siracusa
Category: Destinations We Visit on Our Sicily Mainland Vacations
Author: Sophie Townsey Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 5,174
Tags: Siracusa sicily siracuse sivily city center siracusa ortigia siracusa excursion to siracusa


The impressive Siracusa and the isle of Ortigia

On our way from Taormina to our next destination, Santa Croce di Camerina, we will stop and visit the beautiful seaside town of Siracusa. 

With its thousands year old history, it is one of the must-see's of southern Sicily. Siracusa is impressive, solemn and intriguing.

We will take a guided tour and discover the ancient part of the city of Siracusa, the isle of Ortigia. The small island is less than a square mile and we will have enough time to take in all the beautiful architecture, gorgeous small streets, and of course the endless stunning views of the Mediterranean. 


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