Title: Villa Lante in Bagnaia
Category: Destinations We Visit on Our Soriano Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 5,214
Tags: Villa Lante Villa Lante Bagnaia what to see in Viterbo what to visit in Viterbo

Villa Lante in Bagnaia

Ancient Cardinal's villa with breathtaking water gardens

During the Renaissance, your garden was a statement to the world of your power, influence, and wealth. This villa, which was owned by Cardinal Gambara at the time, was one of the finest to be found. Today it is considered the best preserved Renaissance garden in all of Italy! Originally a hunting park, the gardens of the villa were expanded over time, and are now considered (along with Villa D'Este at Tivoli) one of the finest examples of the use of water fountains in the world.

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