Title: Wine Harvest in Chianti Tuscany
Category: Cultural Experiences on Our Chianti Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 11,635
Tags: wine harvest in tuscany wine harvest chianti experience wine harvest experience wine harvest in tuscany

Wine Harvest in Chianti Tuscany

When it is harvest time, we put on our gloves, grab some clippers, and have an amazing time together harvesting grapes.

In late September and Early October, harvest season is in full swing in Tuscany and Umbria. Many of our friends are wine growers, and when they are ready to harvest their grapes, we get a phone call!

Once we get that call, we make some quick alterations to our schedule and head down to the vineyard.

We spend a morning with our guests at the vineyard harvesting the grapes (we try to harvest more than we eat), filling the baskets, and bringing them up to the winery. Once we have done so for an hour or two, we have the opportunity to get an in depth visit to a working winery during the wine making process. This is something our guests never forget!

We'll have lunch together, then we are on our way. We'll always bring a little of the "Must" (fermenting wine) with us, which we will then use in a spur of the moment dessert recipe at our next cooking class, of course

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