Title: What will the accommodations be like on the Soriano vacations?
Category: Expectations & Planning for Our Soriano Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 25,384
Tags: place to stay in soriano place to rent in soriano vacation in tuscia

What will the accommodations be like on the Soriano vacations?

Oh, we think you will like them. But read on for details!

When you come to one of our popular cooking vacations, you will stay in one of our beautiful village homes, all which are in the village center, and all are beautifully decorated.

While they are truly medieval homes, they have all been fully restored with all modern conveniences (Air Conditioning, Heating, Satellite TV, Internet, etc.).

When you are ready to book, we will give you the opportunity to choose where you will be staying. The choices are based on availability on a first come, first served basis, so the earlier you book, the more choice you will have.

We do not group guests in rooms. You will have your very own private home for the week, with all the facilities. Most of the homes have wireless internet and satellite television. They all have air conditioning, full kitchens, queen beds, and just about everything you can think of.

They are all in town, extremely close to everything, and they are all beautiful. Have a look at the photo galleries on our Web site, where you find a category full of pictures!

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