Title: How much time is spent on a bus on our Chianti vacations?
Category: Expectations & Planning for our Chianti Vacations
Author: Sophie Townsey Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 4,523
Tags: bus tours chianti small group tours chianti siena tours florence tours tuscany tours tuscany bus excursions

How much time is spent on a bus on our Chianti vacations?

A general idea of how much time you can expect to be on our bus

It all depends on which day, and what we are doing.

To begin with, on the arrival and departure days, you will have about two hours on the bus, as that is the distance from the airport.

On days that we have cooking (usually four days of the week), we will have shorter excursions during the half of the day that we are not cooking. These places are usually within 30 minutes to 45 minutes away from us, so travel time is minimal.

On the day we will go to Cortona, we spend more time on the bus, as we travel a greater distance. The most we ever do is 2 hours.

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