Title: Levanzo Sicily
Category: Destinations We Visit on Our Sicily Island Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 4,631
Tags: levanzo sicily levanzo island of levanzo

Levanzo Sicily

See 12,000 year old cave paintings

Levanzo is the smallest of the three main Aegadian Islands. It has a population of just 450 people, mostly fishermen. What makes Levanzo special is a cave on its northern cliffs called "Grotta del Genovese". Inside the cave, Neolithic cave paintings and Palaeolithic graffiti can be seen that dates back as much as 12,000 years.

During our Favignana based vacations, we will visit the island and take a light hike into the cave. You can get more information on this amazing place by clicking here.

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