Title: A Night of Fishing with a Local Sicilian Fisherman
Category: Cultural Experiences on Our Sicily Island Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 5,264
Tags: fishing in sicily fishing tous sicily authentic fishing tour sicily meet a fisherman in sicily

A Night of Fishing with a Local Sicilian Fisherman

A middle-of-the-night fishing trip with a local that does this for a living, then we will help him sell our catch at the port side fish market

Our vacations in Sicily are based in a small fishing village on a tiny island off the west coast of Sicily, so what better way to really feel the culture of this place than to get a feeling for the life of the local fishermen?

On each of our trips, we will not just go fishing, but we'll do it the way the people who do this for a living do.

For guests that want to experience this adventure, on one night during our time together, we will rise in the middle of the night and take the short drive down to the tiny village port. There, we will go to a port side cafe and have a traditional local breakfast with the other fishermen that are about to head out to sea for their night's catch.

We'll then board a small fishing boat with Rosario, a friend of ours that is merely starting another day of work. We will head out a couple miles to sea together in the darkness.

Once we reach our chosen spot, we will help Rosario cast his nets for the night's catch, then sit down and wait for the fish as we get to know Rosario, have a little Wine & "Pane Consato" (A local Sicilian bread delicacy). We'll have a wonderful and relaxing night on the boat together.

At the moment of sunrise, it will be time to pull our catch in. We'll bring in the nets, then proceed to separate our catch from them as we head back into port.

Once we arrive at the port, the night is hardly over. The early morning fish market is getting underway, and we will have learned some Sicilian dialect to help us with what is next.

We will set up a stand at the fish market, and our own guests will begin to sell the fish to the local island population!

When we are ready to call it a night, we will head back home to rest for a few hours, but later in the day, we'll meet up with Rosario once again to cook up some of the fish that we caught on his boat that night!

Note: Guests that choose not to participate in this night adventure will have breakfast back home, and will have the morning to take it easy at the beach before we all meet up again.

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