Title: Is there room service in Soriano?
Category: Expectations & Planning for Our Soriano Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 3,519
Tags: room service

Is there room service in Soriano?

Room Service Questions for our Soriano Vacations

Your home, while you are staying with us in Soriano, is not a hotel by any means. It is a private village home. Our accommodations are not set up like a hotel, B&B, etc. Instead, the homes are located here and there within the village. Your neighbors will mostly be locals, not other guests of cooking vacations.

Don't think of an operation that would have room service. It isn't like that at all. You are living in a home in a functioning village. If you want something, you would walk out of the home, go into the piazza, and get something in one of the local stores. There is no concierge, hotel restaurant, porter service, etc.

Don't take this to mean you are on your own. For one thing, we are almost always together on excursions and classes. We are also having all of our meals together. But during times we are not together if you need something, we are easy to get hold of, and are always happy to help.

But you would not be in a situation that you would call in a room service order.

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