Title: What other tourists will I find in Soriano?
Category: Expectations & Planning for Our Soriano Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 4,333
Tags: tourism in soriano what to do in soriano tourists in Soriano travelers in soriano travel to soriano visit soriano

What other tourists will I find in Soriano?

Soriano is not packed with other tourists. This article explains what you can expect to find.

Soriano nel Cimino is a place where tourism is growing but has not yet exploded. The area of Tuscia, where Soriano is located, is very much on the rise with respect to tourism, and Soriano is without question the jewel of Tuscia. Many people are beginning to discover the location for its splendid raw beauty combined with its perfect location; just an hour from Rome, just over an hour from the Rome International airport, and right at the Tuscany and Umbria borders. Additionally, Soriano's climate has been a major draw for Italians for ages. For thousands of years, our area has been a destination for summer and weekend getaways. When the Romans and Florentines would want to escape the hot cities in the summer, many would flock to Soriano where it is cool and dry by comparison, so it became a place of vacation villas and getaways... as far back as ancient Roman times.

Today, you will find more than just people from Rome and Florence. The average breakdown is:

1. Italians

The vast majority of tourists in Soriano are other Italians, especially during the summer months. Soriano is a popular weekend getaway spot for people from Rome and Florence. Many have their second homes here.

2. British

Of the foreign tourists, you will always find a fair number of people from the UK. More and more British have been purchasing vacation villas in Soriano, and there is a timeshare hotel in town that caters to a large number of British.

3. Americans, Canadians and Australians

Some Americans participate in the timeshare group noted above, and about 70% of our own guests are Americans and Canadins. Additionally, many of our own guests come from Australia, and there is an Australian couple in Soriano that provides vacation rentals for other Australians. You will also find some Americans that have moved to Italy and have chosen to purchase or build their villas in Soriano and the surrounding area.

4. New Zealand, South African, Germany, Northern Europe

There are usually a few people in town from other areas. Some of our guests are South Africans or New Zealanders, and there are occasional tourists from northern Europe in Palazzo Catalani.


At any given time during the higher seasons, you will find no more than 50 or 60 foreign tourists in town. This is enough to rest assured that services catering to you are there, but you will not be overwhelmed by thousands of tourists crowding the streets as you would in many of the tourist traps.

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