Title: Experience a Working Italian Farm in Chianti
Category: Cultural Experiences on Our Chianti Vacations
Author: Daniele Pintaudi Updated: Jan 30, 2019 Views: 5,266
Tags: working italian farm italian farm in chianti farm in tuscany visit a farm in tuscany

Experience a Working Italian Farm in Chianti

Meet the people that live off the land in this beautiful country and learn first hand what their lives are like.

On most of our vacations, we spend some time on local farms to really get a feel for local agriculture.

On our Soriano vacations, a working farm that produces Hazelnuts and Olives, plus raises pigs for their own family is just across the street from our villa. We'll be spending time there, getting to know the family (and the pig that will become our prosciutto next year), and simply taking in the beautiful simplicity of the lives of this family that lives completely off the land.

On our Norcia vacations, we spend an afternoon with a family that raises sheep and goats, and grow saffron. While together, we will make a batch of Ricotta, visit the stables, and walk the saffron fields. In addition to this afternoon, we will also visit a man that raises pigs on an organic 'zero carbon footprint' farm. He is known to raise the happiest pigs in Italy!

On our Sicily vacations, we spend an afternoon with an elderly islander that lives in the hills above town. He raises animals on his small farm and lives off what he produces. Together, we will make a batch of Ricotta as we learn about this amazing man's life. The Ricotta we make here will even be used in our pastry class!

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