Photos - Cooking & Adventure on the Islands of Sicily

Following is a collection of random photos from this itinerary. To see more full-size photos, visit our photo galleries.

We have the use of a private cove near our hotel in Favignana, Sicily. Go for a swim, lay out by the water in Italy A local Sicilian Shepherd on the Island of Favignana, Sicily on our cooking and wine vacations. Micheal and Gibarosso in this great photo from Gibarosso's country home in Favignana, Sicily. He was an original. Melissa and her mother Nancy, have been on many Culture Discovery Vacations. Throughout most of Italy. See you soon Actually, they really did the leg-work and harvested the fiore di sale that you see in the photo. We take the salt home. We love relaxing at the beach! Favignana-style on our cooking and adventure on the islands of Sicily vacation Having some fun exploring and wine tasting at a winery in Marsala, Sicily. We go out on the private boats during the week and explore the island from the sea on our cooking and adventure tours We make pizza from scratch at a private country home in Favignana. It's also where we make fresh ricotta and honey& Guests show off their haul of salt after a morning harvest in Trapani, Sicily. One of our first photos featuring the floating-on-air fishing boat on the sea in Favignana, Sicily. Incredible. Taking it easy and relaxing on the boat on the Amalfi Coast. The historic Florio Tuna Cannery in Favignana harbor is truly fascinating to see how the locals lived off the sea! During some down time, some of our guests hike the trail up to the Castle of Santa Caterina to get some amazing views Great photo of our guest appearing to do a lot of heavy lifting. We do harvest salt - but not all of that! Michele is one of our fisherman friends. He's the real deal, along with Rosario, these two show us some great times Gina made fast friends with this little guy - but then we fried him up and ate him with our amazing lunch on the boat&#x A group the day after night fishing, taking in the breathtaking crystal water of Favignana, Sicily The Blue Grotto of Capri has nothing on the amazing grottoes of Marettimo, Sicily. Truly amazing and spectacular. We take our guests on private boats to see the incredible grottos and crystal blue waters in Marettimo, Sicily. Our boat captains, Michele and Rosario are such gracious hosts - even to the fresh catch! Just part of Favignana f Our guests get to harvest salt right from the seawater flats in Trapani, Sicily. Truly a unique experience. Along with other delicious fruits, we enjoy our relaxing boat rides around the Isola di Favignana, Sicily The historic Florio Tuna Cannery in Favignana harbor is truly fascinating to see how the locals lived off the sea! We make authentic Sicilian arancini from scratch on our Favignana, Sicily Vacation weeks. These rice balls are delicious Sicilian busiate pasta is an amazing dish. Rich and complex in flavor, yet very accessible recipe to make yourself! Fruit and other aperitivi with our salt-tasting at the saline in Trapani, Sicily. One of the highlights of the vacation& At Macelleria Campo in Valderice, we have an amazing time making fresh sausages and having a fantastic lunch there! We explore the pre-historic cave drawings in Levanso, Sicily. These hieroglyphics date back over 10,000 years! Making fresh cannoli from scratch on our Sicily cooking vacation classes in Italy Busiate pasta, a spring-like pasta is a Sicilian version of the more commonly known fusilli pasta. Our guests have an amazing experience learning to cook authentic Sicilian and other Italian recipes. Rosario, our Favignana,Sicily boat captain being his fun-loving self with his new best friend, Mr. Octopi! One of our boat captain, Michele's, wonderful and delicious fresh-catch sauté on the boat in Favignana, Sici Guests love the fresh bruschetta we make in Favignana, Sicily on our cooking and wine adventure vacations Arancini - Rice balls are a staple of Sicilian cuisine. We learn how to make them fresh on our cooking and wine tours There's a technic and an art to everything. Mostly just have fun! Getting the fiore di sale from the flats in Love birds cooling off while getting hot in the crystal blue waters on one of our Favignana vacations Paola harvesting salt in Trapani, Sicily on our cooking and wine adventure vacation in Italy. Another great night at the country villa in Favignana, Sicily where we make cheese, pizza and harvest honey! Erice offers some of the most stunning views on the western side of Mainland Sicily. Glynn enjoying some fresh cannoli in Favignana, Sicily on our cooking and adventure on the islands of Sicily vacation