Cultural Experiences on Our Norcia Vacations

Category: Cultural Experiences on Our Norcia Vacations
Results: 10
Have you ever been on a truffle hunt?

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Our guests learn how to make tagliatelle from scratch during our Norcia cooking classes

Hands-On Cooking Classes in Norcia

Dive deep into the traditions of Italy as we have a wonderful time cooking local and regional dishes together.

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Our Norcia vacation in Umbria features a tour of a wine cellar famous for its Sagrantino wine

Wine Tasting & Tours at Small, Family-Run Wineries in Umbria

Our winery visits are not simple tours and tastings. They are about the people behind the wine. We get to know the wine makers and what makes them tick.

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Prosciutto of Norcia is known as one of the most delicious and sought after meats all over Italy

Truly Authentic Food Experiences in Norcia

Finding truly authentic food while traveling is often more difficult than you think... and when you are getting "tourist food", you often don't even realize it.

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Hand-Slicing Local Farm-Raised Prosciutto

There is something amazing about the back to basics feel of slicing a prosciutto by hand. It is always one of the most memorable experiences for our guests.

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We spend the day with local truffle hunters and their award winning dogs during our Norcia vacation in Umbria

Truffle Hunting in Umbria

Go out on a truffle hunt with a two-time national champion truffle hunter in one of the truffle capitals of the world.

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Oilve oil it is an experience we cannot miss in Umbria. During our cooking vacation we visit an ancient family run mill

A Complete Experience of Italian Family in Norcia

The most important thing we do is fold you into the family feeling of Italian culture. You will come wondering what to expect, but our guests leave feeling a part of something much bigger.

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Shopping in town markets with the locals in Palermo

Get to know the locals, and a true sense of small town Italian life.

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Making Fresh Ricotta Cheese From Scratch in Norcia

We'll get back to basics as we not only make fresh ricotta cheese with a local Shepard, but use it in our cooking

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Wine Harvest in Umbria

When it is harvest time, we put on our gloves, grab some clippers, and have an amazing time together harvesting grapes.

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During harvest season in Umbria, we take our guests to a local farm to pick and press their own olives

Harvest Olives & Make Umbrian Olive Oil

An exclusive experience each November, during which we harvest olives and make our own olive oil

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